Friday, February 9, 2024

Similiarity and Difference


What is a similarity between your home and Basalt?  A similarity is ________________________.

What is a difference between your home and Basalt?  A difference is _________________________.

What is a similarity and a difference between the Mundial de BHS and the Real Mundial?  A similarity is ______________ and a difference is ____________________________________________.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

10 Interesting Facts about France

What do you think is the most interesting fact about France?  I think _____________________ is the most interesting fact.

Why?  I think it is interesting because ________________________________________.

What is one thing you did not know about France?  I did not know __________________________.


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019


miscellaneous-urbanisation-urban_growth-skyscrapers-vision-new_york-99902514_low.jpg (400×446)

Discuss, Analysis, and collaborate on the cartoon.  On a whiteboard, tell us what the cartoon is showing, what does it have to do with urbanization and is it positive or negative.  Pick one person to vocally communicate your ideas.

Image result for quizlet live
Go To: and enter the code I show!

Pick 3 vocabulary words from the Quizlet you know and define in your own words.

______________ means _____________________.

______________ means _____________________.

______________ means _____________________.

Pick one vocabulary word you are still having trouble with and write on a sticky. Stick on the door on your way out today.