Sunday, October 28, 2018

Image result for population density map

What is the information in this map?  What is the difference in the colors?

Image result for population density map

What does this map show?  What is the name of the country in red?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Image result for population growth

How much of the Earth's surface do we use to live?  

What percentage of the land do we grow crops on?

What does each dot represent?

What locations seem to have the most dots?

When did population seem to increase the most rapidly?

Image result for population growth

Finish your packets:

Monday, October 22, 2018

Image result for most populous cities of the world worksheet

How Many People Live in the Cities You Studied?

7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?

7-billion.jpeg (1280×715)

What is a Drip into the Glass?
What is a Drip out of the Glass?
Where are most people found today?  Was it the same 1000 years ago?
When did we reach 1 Billion people on Planet Earth?
What happened to slow the leaks out of the glass?
How long did it take to go from 1 Billion people to 7 Billion?
What are the issues we face to see if we can survive having so many people?
Image result for most populous cities of the world worksheet

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Image result for cities of the world

Work with a partner to answer the questions about population.  

1.  What was the cities population in 1950?
2.  What is their population today/
3.  What continent is your city located?  What country?  Show us on the map?

Image result for cities of the world

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Related image

What is this map showing us?  The map is showing us ____________.

What is Colorado the worst at?  

What is California the worst at?

What is New York the worst at?

Image result for vocabulary

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Image result for five themes of geography song

What are the 5 Themes of Geography? What examples do you see in the video?
Image result for five themes of geography song

Work at your tables to answer the questions on the worksheet.