Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Graveyards to Favorite Toys.  Culture is Everywhere!
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Visit the above website to look at how toys are part of our cultural background.

1.  What similarities between toys did you notice?  I noticed that ____________________ were similar.

2.  What differences do you observe?  The differences I see are ____________________.

3.  What can toys show us about the culture of a region or the world?  Toys show us that culture ________________________Image result for windshield geographer project

"Windshield Geographers"  project.  Do you understand the project and what is expected of you and your group?

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Finish Your Poster Charts and Cultural Comparison

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Get out your computers and let's do a map exploration!!!
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What two maps surprised you the most?  Why?  The two maps that surprised me the most were _______ and _________ because ___________.

Do you agree with the most iconic soft drink and restaurant chain for Colorado?  Why or why not?  I _________ because _____________.

Which map do you think shows the culture of America best?  Why?

6+SS+gallery+walk.JPG (640×480)GALLERY WALK:  Look through the posters around the room and at your desks.  Fill in the chart looking at various factors regarding Cultures.

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Answer your paragraph at the bottom of the Chart.  What do these pictures tell us about Culture around the world?