Tuesday, February 26, 2019

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Exito:  I can write 2 paragraphs comparing and contrasting 2 continents.  I can use Geography vocabulary and phrases that support my writing.

(MLA Format)
Geography P1

 There are seven continents in our world.  It makes sense that some have many countries with borders that go around the different areas and others do not for logical reasons.  There are ways to identify some borders with natural geographical features like rivers, mountains, and canyons. The continent of Africa has two things in common with the continent of South America.  They share the Atlantic ocean between them and they have deserts.

In contrast, Africa has some differences with South America.  Africa has 54 countries and South America has 12.  Another thing that is different about these two countries are the languages. South America speaks Spanish and Africa has 140 different languages.  These continents are important to the world.
Image result for which way home
Exploitation by smugglers. Dehydration in the desert. The danger of being struck by trains. These are just a few of the dangers facing thousands of children from Latin America who travel great distances on top of freight trains to get to the United States. This film looks at the personal side of immigration through the eyes of several of these unaccompanied migrant children.

What do immigrant stories tell us about Borders?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

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Vocabulary review.  It's a race.  Work in your group to be the first team to match the word, definition, and picture.  When you are done take 15 minutes to finish your written summary on cooperation and conflict on borders.

Image result for kahoot review


Thursday, February 14, 2019

GEoGuesser: Where in the World Are We?

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Group Presentations:  Fill in Your Notecatcher

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Compare and Contrast:  Fill in Your Venn Diagram:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ECyC6sRfT1WYMc7Rp0Qj52gQGZRI_jnSMtCCSUzi-Gw/edit?ts=5c6b6980#slide=id.g4f31e17918_0_237

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How do borders on different continents show cooperation or conflict?