Wednesday, April 10, 2019

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What is the #1 type of meat consumed in the world?

What percentage of antibiotics are used in meat production?

What happened in 2013?  

What is one other thing you learned from this video?

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Image result for where our food comes from

What does imported mean?  Imported means ______________.

What is a carbon footprint?   A carbon footprint is____________.

What can tell you where the food comes from?  

What is organic?  Organic is ________________________.

What is fair trade?  Fair trade is ______________________.

Define Free Range; free range is ____________________.

Image result for where did that meal come from

Meal Scavenger Hunt Activity, An Example

Monday, April 1, 2019

Image result for weird foods of the worldImage result for sweetbreads
Image result for weird foods of the world Image result for weird foods of the worldImage result for pigs feet

List 3 Weird Foods. What country are they from? Describe it? Would you eat it?

The first weird food is _______. It is from ____________. It is _________________________. I ____________eat it.

The second weird food is _______. It is from ____________. It is ______________________. I ____________eat it.

The last weird food is _______. It is from ____________. It is _______________________. I ____________eat it.

Image result for vocabulary search