Sunday, September 30, 2018

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What is your hometown?  My hometown is __.

What is one physical feature of the country you are studying?  One physical feature is ____.

Where is your country located?  My country is located __________________.

What is a neighbor of your country?  A neighbor of my country is _______________.

Monday, September 24, 2018

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What is the name of the country you are studying?  I am studying _________________________.

What is one geographic fact about your country?  One fact about my country is ____________________.

What is one similarity of your country to Basalt?  One similarity to Basalt is ___________________.

What is one difference between your country and Basalt?  One difference between my country and Basalt is ____________.

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What questions do you have about your project?  What do you need to find more information about?

You will be graded on the following:

  • Presentation in English: At least 5 phrases or short sentences.
  • Slide Show with images.
  • Comparison of the 3 Countries.
  • Use of Geographic Terms.
  • Good Sentence Structures.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Brazil Fun Facts
Fill out the Chart as we watch the video!
5 Themes of Geography Chart





Human Environmental Interaction

Environmental Human Impacts




Favorite fact about Brazil in the video: 

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Project Work.  What additional information do you need to collect?  How are you going to put your project together?  What questions do you have about Google Slides?  Where are you going to get pictures?

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

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What is this map showing?
What are the countries in Blue?
What are the countries in Yellow?
What continent has the most blue countries?

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What are the 5 Themes?  Continue researching your countries for information about the 5 Themes?

Monday, September 17, 2018

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What country is Central America north of?  Central America is north of _________________.

What country is Central America south of?  Central America is south of _________________.

What are the two bodies of water that surround Central America?  The two bodies of water are ______________ and __________________.

What connects the two bodies of water?  The _________________ connects the water ways.

What is the big city in Mexico they mentioned?  They mentioned __________________.

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Let's map El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico.  On a blank piece of paper in your notebooks, draw your answers...

1.  What are the neighboring countries
2.  What town or city are you from
3.  The two large bodies of water to the sides of Central America
4.  Physical Features of your country: Mountains, Rivers, Volcanoes, Deserts, Forests,  
5.  The biggest city in the country
6.  One political boundary of the country
7.  Any states, provinces, territories, counties...

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What is bigger El Salvador, Mexico or the USA?  The biggest country is ___________________.

What are two landforms in your country?  Two landforms in my country are______ and ____.

What is the biggest river in your country?  The biggest river in my country is ________________.

What do we call rivers, mountains and land types?  We call them __________________.

What items can you use in your presentations?

Sunday, September 16, 2018

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Do you know all the countries in Latin America?  __________ I know the countries.

How about America?  I ____ know the American states.

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Look through the instructions and find the cognates.  Does this help you understand the instructions?  Starting research: where to begin?
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What three countries are you studying?  I am studying ________, _________ and _______.

Do you understand the assignment?  What questions do you have?

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

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I will give you each a location in the USA, stand up in the appropriate location without using your voice.Image result for american regions

Finish your regions presentation and present.  

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

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Watch the video and fill out the chart!!!

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Describe the region assigned to you, what makes it special, why is it different than other regions, what cities and states are part of it.

  1. 5 minutes to prepare
  2. 5 slides, images only, no text
  3. Each group member speaks
  4. Must use agreed-upon vocabulary in presentation to the class.

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Let's Continue in our Packets!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

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Around the World Contest.  Who can say the word first?
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Packets!  Get out your packets and continue our work!

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What is your favorite place?  Why?  My favorite place is ______ because ___________.

What part of the USA would you like to visit most?  Why?  I want to visit _________ because _______.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Landforms of America

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Name 2 different mountain ranges in North America?  Two different mountain ranges are ____________ and ______________.

What are 2 places in the center of America?  Two places are ______________ and ____________.

What is the name of the mountains along the Pacific Ocean?  These mountains are called the _.

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Packets!  Get out your packets and continue our work!

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What is your favorite place?  Why?  My favorite place is ______ because ___________.

What part of the USA would you like to visit most?  Why?  I want to visit _________ because _______.

Monday, September 3, 2018

American Landforms and Regions

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Watch the video and answer the questions:

Name two states that would have been in New Spain?  Two states are ______ and ________.

Name two states in the Confederacy (green)?  Two states in the Confederacy were ____________ and ________________.

What state was part of Russia?  __________ was part of Russia.

What state was once called Indian Territory?  This state is ______.

Name one territory Colorado used to be part of?  Colorado used to be part of _________________.

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Work at your desks to fill out the worksheets.  Before we start let's talk.  What are landforms and regions?  Work in groups to define the vocabulary terms.  Word Web!

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What are two landforms?  Two landforms are _____ and _______.

What are two regions of the USA?  Two regions are ____ and ___.