Monday, September 3, 2018

American Landforms and Regions

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Watch the video and answer the questions:

Name two states that would have been in New Spain?  Two states are ______ and ________.

Name two states in the Confederacy (green)?  Two states in the Confederacy were ____________ and ________________.

What state was part of Russia?  __________ was part of Russia.

What state was once called Indian Territory?  This state is ______.

Name one territory Colorado used to be part of?  Colorado used to be part of _________________.

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Work at your desks to fill out the worksheets.  Before we start let's talk.  What are landforms and regions?  Work in groups to define the vocabulary terms.  Word Web!

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What are two landforms?  Two landforms are _____ and _______.

What are two regions of the USA?  Two regions are ____ and ___.

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