Saturday, March 30, 2019

What's in a Twinkie?

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What other factors are mentioned besides ingredients?

How many ingredients are in a Twinkie?

How many Twinkies did they use to make in a year?

Why is shelf life so important?

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How did you do on the quiz?

What were you surprised to learn grows where?  

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What are you excited to learn about in Agriculture?

What meal are you excited to learn more about?

Sunday, March 17, 2019

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DO NOW!  Fill in this paragraph in your EU Packets.

The European Union, a ___________organization, was formed after World War II, largely, to make sure ___________ would be settled around the table instead of on the battlefield.  Originally, the EEC countries combined into a _____________ to help their economies grow together.  All countries joining the EU must have a stable democracy, a strong economy, and protection for _________.  The ____________ of the European Union is greater than the USA, and shows how wealthy the countries of the EU are.  The 3 _________ bodies pass the laws but it is confusing because their is no ___________ to enforce the rules.

The study of borders is truly the study of ___________.  In our explorations, we have seen many examples of cooperation, like between the USA and _________.  We have also seen examples of __________ like between India and Pakistan.  To start with, borders have to be __________, then delimited on a map, and ________ on the land itself.  Sometimes, borders that are well defined and easily located can have disputes around resources which is all about ________.

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Thursday, March 14, 2019

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What did the US do for the countries it freed from Germany?  The US ___________.

What did Stalin and Russia think?  He thought___________.

What did he make?  He made the ______________.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

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It's a Race!  Where is what country?

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What does it mean when the water is on both sides of the border?  Work at your table to work through the article from High Country News.

Monday, March 4, 2019

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DO NOW:  Quick European Geography Game.  Tables compete!  Get to the map first and win a point!

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Data Based Question:  Are the benefits of being a European Union (EU) member worth the costs?

Work Time:  Vocabulary: T Notes: Union, Benefit and Cost

Modeled Learning and then Activity: Pair Up, Get Hooked, Let's Discuss

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What are some reasons for joining a multinational union?  It is worth joining this union because _________.

What are some reasons for not joining a multinational union?  Some reasons for not joining this union are ___________.

Would your perspective change if you lived in a different country?  Why or why not?  My perspective ___________ change because ________________.
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How did we all get to Basalt?

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How does Kevin and Fito's story teach us about borders?  How would you explain their journey?  Where did they come from and where did they end up?

  •  Why did Kevin and Fito want to go to America? (concrete/easy)
  •  Give 3 details about Kevin and Fitos' journey and how the borders impacted their journey
  •  What makes teenagers take risks and cross borders?