Sunday, March 17, 2019

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DO NOW!  Fill in this paragraph in your EU Packets.

The European Union, a ___________organization, was formed after World War II, largely, to make sure ___________ would be settled around the table instead of on the battlefield.  Originally, the EEC countries combined into a _____________ to help their economies grow together.  All countries joining the EU must have a stable democracy, a strong economy, and protection for _________.  The ____________ of the European Union is greater than the USA, and shows how wealthy the countries of the EU are.  The 3 _________ bodies pass the laws but it is confusing because their is no ___________ to enforce the rules.

The study of borders is truly the study of ___________.  In our explorations, we have seen many examples of cooperation, like between the USA and _________.  We have also seen examples of __________ like between India and Pakistan.  To start with, borders have to be __________, then delimited on a map, and ________ on the land itself.  Sometimes, borders that are well defined and easily located can have disputes around resources which is all about ________.

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